26 April, 1944
Dear Folks & All:
Had a small operation performed on my right eye today and I wanted to let you know that I am getting along ok. Have had quite an infection in it for about a week and today they opened it and I feel fine. Don’t worry I’ll get along ok. As a matter of fact I’ll be back to duty tomorrow. You know I never realized just how much an eye mean’s until they patch up one and you only have one to see by it is a little rough going for awhile.
Tell Leota that the cigars she sent me for my birthday I received yesterday and I am smoking one of them now. They evidently had been dropped in the briny and recovered by the taste swell.
Mail service has been awful lousy lately but I guess we can expect that now and then. I know all of your letters will eventually reach me.
The sun gets plenty warm here Mother but I manage not to get burned. My lips chap now and then but the chewing tobacco you sent to me heals them when I chew and spit.
Am glad that you have been receiving my mail. I try and write to you as often as I can.
Mother, I hope you will like the sewing basket that I mailed you. The natives made it. It is all hand made and the colors are made from dye the Japanese left here.
My opinion of the war hasn’t changed much. We are still going to be involved here in the Pacific for a few years yet. I only pray that my predictions are wrong.
Hope this finds all of you feeling fine and don’t worry about me.
All my love,
Your son, Leo
Cap’t. L.J. McLoskey