5 May 1944
Dear Folks:
Wow! Is it ever warm here today. The old sun is really bearing down and the sweat is simply rolling off of me as if I were in a Turkish bath. Mother, I wish I could go to our basement and cool off.
Enclosed is a picture our battalion photographer took of me at a party our battalion officers had for some nurses stationed on a hospital ship near us. Thought you might get a kick out of it. At least it was quite a change for us being with white women for a spell.
Just finished writing to Anne. She wrote quite a letter to me which I received the other day.
Guess Bobby must have had quite a time showing his Japanese souvenirs to the ladies from his church the other day. He must be quite a boy.
We had quite a softball game the other day. I caught Ted Lyons. The officers of the station played the enlisted men from our battalion. They snapped a picture of Ted and I which I will send to you when it is finished.
Believe me I would give anything to be able to get a leave and come home to visit all of you. It seems ages since we last were together.
The kitchen must really look swell. Golly! I won’t know the old homestead will I?
It is now 2:20 pm and I won’t get off duty at the Bn. C.P. until 5:34 pm. These watches we have are quite long and seem to roll around quite often.
Trust that this finds all of you in the best of health and remember I love and miss all of you.
Haven’t seen “Bozz” in quite a spell. He is stationed about twenty miles from me.
All my love,
Your son, Leo
Cap’t. L.J. McLoskey