12 May, 1944
Dear Folks:
Mother, I know that my check to you for Mothers Day is going to arrive late as Mothers Day is this coming Sunday. Regardless, I want you to know that I will be thinking of you not only on Mothers Day but every day. Hope you will have a very happy Mothers Day and that I will be with you on all the rest of them.
Dad, I see your birthday is 21 May, 1944 by my calendar so I am sending you a heck also. As I have written Mother in the paragraph above I will repeat to you not only do I think of you on your birthday you and mother are in my thoughts constantly and will be all my life. Hope you have a Happy Birthday and that I will be able to be with you on all the rest of them.
The weather is getting worse here every day as far as living is concerned. It is getting hotter all the time and raining most of the time. Believe me these tropical rains are really something.
Received a letter from Aunt Ella which I must answer. She seemed much more cheerful in the last letter.
My eye is completely healed. My sniffles are still with me a little but I guess they will continue in this damp climate.
Hope this finds all of you feeling o.k.
All my love,
Your son, Leo
Cap’t. L.J. McLoskey