30 May 1944
Dear Folks:
Today I received a letter you had mailed to me on 13 April. It was the one with the newspaper clippings in it about the primary votes.
I mailed the check today for the bond for the church. But, as I have the duty this evening I thought I would drop you a few lines.
If Robert gets a chance how about having him take a picture of the kitchen and mail it to me.
Boy, am I ever glad that Robert won’t have to go right away. I don’t believe men with families should be called. However, what we think doesn’t seem to matter with the men in the White House.
Who do you think the Republican candidate’s will be for President and Vice President. If they select the right ones I believe they might be elected.
It makes a long day when you get up at 0430 and don’t get a chance to go to bed until 1130 pm. I won’t get off watch until 11 pm and then I have quite a spell to drive before I get to my tent and my cot. Dad, I am afraid I’ll never want to look at a cot again when the war is over.
Am feeling o.k. and I hope that this finds all of you the same. Now, don’t forget I want both of you to stop working so hard and get more rest.
All my love,
Your son, Leo
Cap’t L.J. McLoskey