6 June, 1944
Dear Folks:
No mail for quite a spell from you. So, probably tomorrow it will all come in a bunch like bananas.
Well, I don’t believe I will get home in 1944 but I do have hopes of seeing you sometime in 1945. Believe me that is the day I am living for. Guess I won’t be cracked up to much by then. No fooling my memory well it is just a thing of the past.
My garden is really growing. I’ll surely know what to plant if I go to another atoll.
Hope you have received the check for the war bond by the time you get this. Let me know when you get it. Sometimes I sort of feel as if all my mail doesn’t reach you. I can readily see how it would be possible.
Here it is the 6th of June. Another week has passed and it won’t be long again until the month has rolled by. Believe me they can’t roll past to fast for me.
Tomorrow I must do a washing. I believe the only clean article of clothing that I have left is one sock. Just finished dropping Libby a few lines.
Now remember I want the two of you to start getting more rest and I hope both of you are enjoying the best of health. I am back in the pink again.
Must close for this time and I hope tomorrow will bring me some mail from you.
All my love,
Your son, Leo
Cap’t. L.J. McLoskey