8 June 1944
Dear Folks:
Am enclosing a couple of pictures of “Boot” my new dog. He is quite the pal and is really a great deal of company to me and my men. By golly he is also plenty smart and everybody knows him and calls him by name. He rides the motorcycle with the Sgt and also with me in my jeep and with me on the motorcycle when I ride it.
My nose is running again. I told the Dr. I believed I had atollitis and that a trip to Illinois would cure it. He agreed but said the cards were stacked against me.
The garden continues to grow in spite of the insects and weather. I hope that I have a bumper crop.
I suppose that the children are all set for their summer vacation. I surely can remember looking forward to it when I was in school. Also, I expect that Aunt Ella is glad to get some rest. It must be very discouraging to her at times.
The eleventh of the month makes two years for me overseas. I surely hope I can get home for thirty days before my 36th month rolls around.
This isn’t a very newsy letter but I wanted all of you to know that I miss you and think of you all the time. Hope this finds you in the best of health.
All my love,
Your son, Leo
Cap’t L.J. McLoskey