2 July, 1944
Dear Folks:
Yesterday, I received the letter from Mrs. Carl Peterson that you were asking me about. Dad, you gave her the wrong address. You gave the 2nd Def. Bn. She enclosed your note which I am in turn sending on to you. She wrote the letter on March 23rd and I just received it. I will try and answer it before long.
I wrote Aunt Ella a letter the other day and mailed her five dollars for her birthday which is this month.
Just finished reading the casulties of Saipan. The Marines surely are bearing the brunt in the Pacific. I’ll surely be one happy man when all of this foolishness is over and we can all return to our homes.
The fourth of July will be with us in a couple more days. Golly! How I can remember how we used to look forward to that day. It most generally meant picnics, then fireworks in the evening. Guess I must be getting old the way my mind keeps wandering back to the past all the time.
Thanks for the stamps you are always enclosing. They come in handy.
The ants are very bad this evening. They seem to want to keep crawling on my arm all the time.
Not much news but a line to let you know that I am o.k. and trust you are the same.
All my love,
Your son, Leo
Cap’t L.J. McLoskey