9 July, 1944
Dear Folks:
Another Sunday and another week gone. Loren Hay’s visited me over the week end. We discussed Monmouth and all the people that we knew. I was glad to have him visit with me.
I am glad that Bobby likes to stay with you. He must be quite the boy. Also, Anne & Mary Alice must be very lovely. I tell you Robert has a wonderful family.
I’ll be you were glad to see Wilda and Donald. Let me know who won playing croquet.
Golly I hope I keep on feeling as well as I have the past few day’s. Glad Loxley Eckles boy got home. They surely will give me a thirty day leave before many more months pass.
The picture of Elizabeth taken at the convention didn’t look like her to me. Who is the old gal over Robert’s right shoulder?
Dad you asked if I heard the convention over the radio. No I didn’t but we have a little paper that keeps us posted with the news and they carried the convention in it. Also I haven’t received the cigars as yet but they will be arriving one of these days.
The pictures of Grandfather Shawler, Mae, and you were very good. I think that Grandfater looked well. Perhaps he is correct and I would be helping him with his corn if I were home. You know farming looks like a pretty good life as a matter of fact it looks better every day.
By the way I received a letter from Ada today. They were fine except that Homer has been having the toothache and had to go to the dentist. Ada says she is going to vote for Dewey.
Hope this finds all of you well. Your letters have been coming through better lately.
Oh: Yes I should have some radishes out of my garden in about a week. I’ll let you know what they taste like.
All my love,
Your son, Leo
Cap’t L.J. McLoskey