28 July, 1944
Dear Folks & All:
Just another note to let you know that I am ok and that I hope you are the same. Maybe in another four or five months I will get to come home. I know I am praying that I will.
My mail will probably be more spotty than before due to the fact that I am much more busily occupied and every opportunity that I get I try to get some rest.
By the sound of the news they surely do have the Germans on the run and things in the Pacific are looking better every day. Perhaps, when I do get back I will never have to come out again.
This month will soon be gone. By golly the time seems to pass plenty fast.
Wish I could write you more but that is impossible. We surely will have plenty to talk about.
Be sure to give all the family and my friends my best regards. My old gang gave me a scroll which they said they would mail to you for me. Let me know when you get it.
All my love,
Your son, Leo
I am the commanding officer of H & S company Capt. L.J. McLoskey in the Tanks Bn.