31 August, 1944
Dear Folks & All:
I haven’t been able to write to you for a few day’s. However don’t worry I am well and o.k. Trust you are the same.
Also I haven’t had any mail from you for quite a spell but I know it will all catch up with me some of these day’s so you see I have something to look forward to.
Another month has passed. Just think it has been over three years since I have seen Robert and his family. My how I do miss those children and as far as that goes how I miss all of you.
Mother, you should see my moustache. Before long I will be able o twirl it on the ends. How would you like me with that? Don’t worry I’ll have it off by the time I get home.
We had a pretty good movie last evening for a change. It was “Bob” Hope and Paulette Goddard in “Nothing But the Truth.” That Bob Hope is a scream and Paulette Goddard well the men really shouted when she appeared in the movie.
It won’t be long now until the leaves start to turn and then fall. Boy! Oh boy! How I would love to see that. Also, with fall the hunting season comes along. I guess I don’t need to tell you how I love to fish and hunt and be outdoors. I hope Bobby will be the same way. No fooling I have seen grown men that don’t know the first thing about nature.
Well the seat is rolling off of me so bad now that I will stop for this time. I trust this finds all of you well and may God Bless all of you.
All my love,
Your son, Leo
Cap’t. L.J. McLoskey