24 August, 1944
Dear Folks:
Another letter to let you know that I am o.k. and that I pray all of you are the same.
Would I ever enjoy a game of croquet with all of you. That back yard of ours surely is cool and I could use a little cooling off. My blood will be so thin that I probably will freeze when I first return. I can stand it, I can stand anything as long as I get home.
Last evening we had a movie and it really was a stinker. Most generally it rains whenever we have a show. We just set in it and watch the movie as that is all the relaxation we get.
This evening the chaplain is having communion and I am going to attend. I will say a prayer for all of you.
I’ll bet the children will have a grand time visiting Grandmother Dickson. Does Bobby and Anne still love to ride? I would like to see them swim and ride both.
Will close for this time as I don’t have much to write. Write often and I will try and do the same. Mother you take care of yourself and don’t work too hard.
All my love,
Your son, Leo
Cap’t. L.J. McLoskey