4 October 42
Dear Folks & all:
Enclosed herewith please find a check for $25.00. Dad, I would appreciate it if you would cash it and pay $25.00 on my note at the 2nd Nat’l and let me know what the balance is at the 2nd Nat’l after they have taken out the interest. I will send you a check each month until it is paid. I don’t want to touch the money in the Trust I& Savings unless you and mother need it then draw it out anytime.
At first I thought I would have Elizabeth handle my a/c at the National Bank but Dad since you are in the bank almost every day you can pick up my deposit tickets at the end of each month. Eddie Munson will give them to you. I am anxious to get the note at the Second paid off.
Mother I think you did quite well on the price you got on the house in L.A.
So I have been spelling San Francisco wrong. Well, it is a wonder I haven’t spelled more wrong but thanks. I’ll try and not let it happen again.
I am ok and I know that God is with me and my men. Hope this finds all of you feeling fine.
Thanks Dad for taking care of that matter for me and you can expect a check each month to pay it off. Let me know the balance after deducting the interest.
Did you get the pictures ok? Haven’t got your second box yet but I will someday. Just now I got 2 letters from you, 2 from Elizabeth and one from Allan McCaslin.
Love to all,
Lt. L.J. McLoskey