12 December 1942
Time 6:20 pm
Dear Folks & all:
Received the trench coat yesterday and I have worn it 19 hours out of the past 24. You never in all your life have seen such rains as we have here.
Although the package said, “Do not open until Christmas” I couldn’t wait and believe me I am glad that I didn’t. It was just exactly what I needed for the tropics and I surely do want to thank you but I believe you spent more on me than you should have.
Life goes on here about the same as usual. Although I must admit I am about worn to a frazzle.
The way my dog Radio looks it shouldn’t be very long before the pups get here. What an event that will be for me and the men. Believe me she really is getting a great deal of attention and we have a pool as to how many she will have, what hour, how many males and how many females.
Golly! How I would like to drop in on all of you at Christmas. Would you be glad to have me?
I got my men some turkeys but heaven knows how I will be able to keep them until Christmas.
The platoon sergeant and I went together and bought us a short wave radio. One of the skippers on a ship that brings us supplies brought it to us. We get programs every evening. Although some of them are even a month old we still enjoy them very much.
Got a Christmas card from Beaulah & Sam and Beaulah had some good jokes in with it.
This being entirely separated from civilization isn’t all that it is cracked up to be. But then somebody has to defend this atoll and it is a very important one.
The war news has been better here of late. Then on the other hand I figure that it will take some time to crush the Axis.
The gang I used to work with in Chicago sent me a big box. It had cigars, chewing tobacco and magazines in it. I don’t know when I will get a chance to read the magazines but the men will enjoy them. I really have a swell group of men in my outfit.
Have been receiving the papers and thanks a lot.
I finally got my men a volley ball court built and also a horseshoe court. If I do say so they really do get a great deal of enjoyment out of them.
It is very hard to write and describe this atoll that I live on out here in the Pacific surrounded by the ocean. You all know how I love the water but I finally have my fill of it.
Again, I want to thank you for the trench coat and all the other gifts that you have sent me.
Should have some good pictures to send you in a couple of months and don’t be surprised if you don’t see your son in the news reels and magazines one of these days.
Must close now as it is about time to stand general quarters. May God bless all of you and I want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Hope this finds all of you in the best of health.
Love to all,
Lt. L.J. McLoskey