31 October 41
Dear Folks:
Received your letters and I am always glad to hear from you. Dad, thanks for the magazines, they help a great deal. Mother, I surely did appreciate yours and Annes letters. Anne writes quite well.
Just finished making out the payroll for 148 men and is it ever one tough job. The gov’t surely is particular and I’ll say one thing they surely do keep track of the men in each Company.
They are now talking of putting me in the Quartermaster Department. So I am getting plenty of training.
We never talk about the war here except that we think it is going to end rather abruptly and that the U.S. is better prepared than the average citizen thinks.
I expect you and Anne are having quite a time.
Must admit that today was very nice. It has been so warm that I didn’t even wear my sweatshirt. I ran around in my shirt all day and was quite comfortable.
As a matter of fact we don’t even have the kerosene stove lit this evening.
Mother, I will write Grandfather Shawler this weekend. We are also going to take some pictures this weekend and when they are finished I’ll send you some.
Didn’t use the back of the first page as I noticed it was plenty dirty. This weekend I am going to church and rest.
Dad, I did get a new battery for the Ford. Guess I must have gotten a lemon.
Hope this finds all of you in the best of health.
It is now 9 pm and I am going to retire. Write often as I am always glad to hear from all of you.
Love to all,