Weather – Heat terrific Time 9:50 am
Place – Somewhere in New Mexico
Dear Folks:
We left Chicago at 10:25 pm Central Standard Time. All of us have upper berths and the meals on the train are very reasonable. Breakfast – 35 cents, Lunch – 40 cents, Dinner – 75 cents to $1.00.
It is rather hard for me to write as we are now going across the desert and the road bed is not so good. As a result the train is plenty rough.
As I look out the window now all I see is sage brush, cactus, sand, and mountains on both sides.
The trip has been very interesting so far. Have met some very interesting people in our car which is car 7.
Believe me Kansas is surely plenty flat but the crops looked very good.
Surely do hope you have gotten a break in the weather. If it is as hot as the desert Mother, you would lose some weight.
First night out I had a hard time sleeping. I want you to know that I miss you but I do think the military discipline will do me good.
Be sure to tell the gang at the park Tuesday evening hello for me.
We arrive in San Diego at 12:20 pm tomorrow (Sunday). I have in my possession a sealed envelope to give to the Corporal of the guard who will be on the gate at the base in San Diego.
I am going to send the kids, the aunts, and the neighbors some cards from Gallup, New Mexico. We will arrive their at 2:20 this afternoon. Then from their we go through Arizona and on in to California. All you see in New Mexico is Indians and their doby huts. Don’t see how they make a living. Although, I have seen thousands of cattle and sheep grazing.
Believe me this is a trip I will never forget.
Hope all of you are well. Drop me a line when you have time and give my regards to all.
Love, Leo