
February 12, 1942


Dear Folks:

The time has passed so rapidly here lately due to the fact I have been so busy that I just had to take a few minutes off tonight to write you.

I now am an acting Platoon Sergeant.  Have six tank crews under me and it is quite a worry and responsibility.  The total men in the crews is 29 and I try to keep all of them busy.  You see I have to hold schools with them day and night.  Tomorrow, I am taking all of them out to fire the TSMG and the BMG and Pistol.  That always worries me a little because there is always somebody who is bound to get a little careless and they are all dangerous weapons.

At the present time I have a very bad cold and cough.  Last night my cough kept me awake most of the evening.  But that is California weather for you damp & chilly and then warm.

Gee!  I surely do miss all of you and I would give anything in the world to be able to be with all of you.  I do miss all of you so much.

Yet this evening I must shine some shoes and wash out some hose.  My feet have sweat so badly lately that I have been wearing two pair of hose a day.

The spirit of the tank battalion is still very high and I surely do hope that it continues to be that way until the conflict is over.

Hope all of you are all feeling fine.

Love to all,
